Saturday, November 5, 2011

mIRC Commands

The following commands are mostly unique to mIRC, though some are only modifications or extensions of standard IRC commands.

/ajinvite [on | off]
Turns auto-join on invite on or off.

/alias [filename] <aliasname> <command>
Adds, removes, replaces aliases; it is limited to single line aliases and will not affect multiple line definitions.

/alias /moo /me moos!

This will replace the first matching alias with the new command. To remove an existing aliases:

/alias /moo

To add an alias to a specific alias file, you would use:

/alias moo.txt /moo /me moos!

If you do not specify a filename, it defaults to using the first filename in which the alias exists, or if it does not exist then it uses the first loaded aliases file.

/amsg <message>
This and the /ame command send the specified message or action to all open channel windows.

/anick <nickname>
Changes your alternate nickname.

/autojoin [-nsdN]
Can be used in the on CONNECT event or Perform section to delay or prevent autojoining of channels

Where -n = join now, -s = skip autojoin, -dN = delay autojoin for N seconds.

Note: This also affects the rejoining of open channel windows during a reconnect.

/background [-abemsgdluhcfnrtpx] [window] [filename]
Changes the background picture setting for a window. This can also be changed via a windows System Menu.

  -a = active window
  -m = main mIRC window
  -s = status window
  -d = single message window

  -e = set as default

  -cfnrtp = center, fill, normal, stretch, tile, photo

  -l = toolbar
  -u = toolbar buttons
  -h = switchbar
  -b = treebar

You can right-click in the toolbar/switchbar to pop up a menu for changing these settings. Toolbar buttons can use RGB Color 255,0,255 for transparency, the BMP must be of the same form as that in mIRC resources. It should be a 16 or 256 color BMP.

  -x = no background picture

Note: The window name should only be specified if none of the window switches are specified. The filename does not need to be specified if you are only changing the display method.

/ban [-kruN] [#channel] <nickname|address> [type]
Bans someone from the current channel using their address. To do this, it first does a /userhost on the nickname to retrieve the address and then does a /mode # +b.

If you specify the -k switch, mIRC performs a ban/kick combination on the nickname.

If you specify the -uN switch, mIRC pauses N seconds before removing the ban.

If you specify the -r switch, /ban removes the ban of the specified type for that nickname, eg. /ban -r nick 2

If you do not specify a ban type, then mIRC uses the whole nick!*user@host to do the ban. If you are banning an IP address then a wild card replaces the last number of the IP address. If you are on the channel then the #channel specification is not necessary.

If you specify a wildcard address it is used as-is, if you specify a full address then the type mask is applied to it.

For a list of ban types see the $mask identifier.

Note: This command uses the IAL maintained by mIRC.

/beep <number> <delay>
Beeps a number of times with a delay.

/channel [#channel]
Pops up the channel central window for the channel window you are currently in. You can also specify a #channel name to open the channel central for a channel you have already joined but which is not the active window.

/clear [-sghlc] [windowname]
Clears the buffer of the current window. If you specify a window name, that window's buffer will be cleared.

The -s switch clears the status window.
The -l switch clears the side-listbox in a custom window.
The -c switch clears the click history in a picture window.
The -h switch clears the editbox command history for a window.

/clearall [-snqmtgua]
Clears the buffers of the specified windows, where s = status, n = channel, q = query, m = message window, t = chat, u = custom, a = all windows on all connections.

If no switches are specified all windows are cleared.

/clipboard [-an] <text>
Copies the specified text to the clipboard. The -a switch makes it append the text to any existing text in the clipboard. The -n switch appends a $crlf to the text.

/close [-icfgmst@] [nick1] ... [nickN]
Closes all windows of the specified type and the specified nicknames. If no nicknames are given, all windows of the specified type are closed. The type of window is denoted by c for chat, f for fserve, g for get, i for inactive dcc windows, m for message (query), s for send, t for status windows, and @ for custom windows.

You can specify the Nth window for -cfgs by appending a number, eg. /close -s4 nick, would close the 4th open dcc send to nick.

You can also use a wildcard as the window name and all matching windows will be closed.

/color [-lrs] <name> <index>
Allows you to change the color settings for items in the Colors dialog.

The -l switch reloads the color settings from the mirc.ini file.

The -r switch resets the Nth color in the 16 color palette to its default RGB value, with /color -r <N>. To change the color of the Nth color in the 16 color palette to a new value, you can use /color <index> <rgb>

To change the color of a text item in the color dialog, you can specify the name of the item, eg. Normal text, along with a new palette index.

The -s switch changes the active scheme, with /color -s <scheme name>

/copy -ao <filename> <filename>
Copies a file to another filename or directory. You can also use wildcards for the source filename, and a directory name for the destination. The -o switch overwrites a file if it exists. The -a switch appends the first file to the second one.

/creq [+m|-m] [ask | auto | ignore]
This is the command line equivalent of setting the DCC Chat request radio buttons in the dcc options dialog (see /sreq below). The +m|-m switch turns the minimize setting on|off.

/ctcpreply <nick> <ctcp> [message]
Sends a reply to a ctcp query.

/ctcpreply goat HELP no help available.

/debug [-cinpt] [N] [on | off | @window | filename] [identifier]
Outputs raw server messages, both incoming and outgoing, to a debug.log file, or a custom @window.

/debug -n @moo, opens a custom @window minimized
/debug -c off, turns off debugging and closes the associated custom @window
/debug -pt, wraps or timestamps messages
/debug N @moo, uses color N for messages

The -i switch calls the specified identifier before a debug line is logged. The return value of the identifier is used as the debug line.

The $debug identifier returns the name of debug file or @window.

Note: /debug works independently for each server connection.

/describe <nick|channel> <message>
Sends an action to the specified nickname or channel, the same as the /me command, except that /me is used while in a query or channel window so you do not need to specify the target when using it.

Forces a disconnect from a server. This is different from the /quit command which sends a quit message to the server and waits for the server to disconnect you.

/dll <name.dll> <procname> [data]
This allows you to call routines in a DLL designed to work with mIRC.

/dns [-46ch] [nick|address]
Resolves an address. If mIRC sees a "." in the name you specify it assumes it is an address and tries to resolve it. Otherwise it assumes it is a nickname and performs a /userhost to find the user's address and then resolves it. If you specify an IP address, it looks up the host name.

You can queue multiple /dns requests, and you can view the current queue by using /dns with no parameters.

The -46 switches make /dns return results for IPv4, IPv6, or both types of addresses.

The -c switch clears all currently queued DNS requests, except for the one currently in progress.

The -h switch forces /dns to treat the parameter as a hostname.

/dqwindow [on|off|show|hide|min]
Manipulates the single message window.

/ebeeps [on | off]
Enables or disables the sounds in the Sounds dialog.

/echo [color] [-cdeghiNtsaqlbfnmr] [color name] [#channel|[=]nick] <text>
Prints text in the specified window using the specified color (0 to 15).

/echo 3 #mIRC Testing

would print "Testing" in the color green in channel window #mIRC, assuming it is already open.

If a channel/nickname is not specified, the -s switch echoes to the status window, the -d switch echoes to the single message window, and the -a switch echoes to the currently active window.

The -e switch encloses the line in line separators.
The -iN switch indents the wrapped line by N characters.
The -h switch forces lines to hard-wrap so resizing the window does not change the line.
The -t switch prefixes the line with a timestamp if global time stamping is on or timestamping is on for that window.
The -q switch makes it not display the text if called from an alias using the . prefix.
The -l switch makes it apply the highlight settings to the line that is displayed.
The -bf switches make it apply the beep/flash settings in the window it is echoing to.
The -n switch prevents the echo from highlighting the window switchbar icon.
The -m switch indicates that the line should be treated as a user message, not an event.
The -g switch prevents the line from being logged to the log file.
The -r switch applies the strip settings in the messages dialog.
The -c switch uses the specified color name from the colors dialog.

Note: This text is only displayed in your own window, it is not sent to the server, no one else can see it.

/editbox [-saf[N]nopbNeNvqN] [window] <text>
Fills the editbox of the current window with the specified text.

The -s switch specifies the Status window.
The -a switch specifies the Active window.

To specify a dcc chat window, prefix the nickname with an = equal sign.

The -f[N] switch where N = 1 sets focus and N = 2 uses editbox with focus
The -p switch indicates that a space should be appended to text.
The -n switch fills the editbox and presses the enter key in the editbox.
The -o switch applies the command to the second editbox in a channel window.
The -bNeN switches set the start and end of the selection in the editbox.
The -v switch prevents the editbox contents from being changed.
The -qN switch enables/disables/toggles the second editbox.

/emailaddr <address>
Changes the email address in the Connect dialog.

/exit [-nr]
Close down mIRC and exit.

The -n switch disables the exit confirmation dialog.
The -r switch restarts mIRC.

/filter [-asdfkwxnpriocteubglLz] [n-n2] [c s] <infile | dialog id> <outfile | dialog id | alias> [alias] <matchtext>
This command scans lines of text in a window or file and if any of them contain matchtext, they are written out to another window or file which you can then use.

The infile can be a filename or a window name (custom or normal). The outfile can be a filename or a custom window name. You should specify the -fw switches if the names are ambiguous eg.

/filter -ff in.txt out.txt *mirc*

This indicates that both are filenames, and:

/filter -wf #in.txt #out.txt *help*

indicates that the first is actually a window name, and the second is a filename.

The -a switch sorts filtered lines by calling the optional [alias]. The alias is passed two lines in $1 and $2, it must compare these and return -1, 0, or 1 to indicate relative sort order of these lines to each other.

The -x switch excludes matching lines.
The -n switch prefixes lines with a line number.
The -s switch makes the status window the infile.
The -d switch makes the single message window the infile.
The -p switch wraps the text output in a custom window.
The -r switch specifies the range of lines n to n2 for filtering.
The -b switch strips BURK codes when matching text.
The -g switch indicates that matchtext is a regular expression.
The -z switch retains line colors when filtering between custom windows.

The -k switch indicates that you have specified an <alias> as the output instead of a window name. The alias will be called with the result of each filtered line.

The -i switch indicates that you have provided a [dialog id] custom dialog control as the input.
The -o switch indicates that you have provided a [dialog id] custom dialog control as the output.

The -c switch clears the output window/file before writing to it.

The -t switch sorts the output based on [c s], column C using character S as the columns separator.

The -e specifies a descending sort, and -u a numeric sort.

The -l switch filters from the side-listbox in the first window, and -L filters to the side-listbox in the second window.

You can filter blank lines by specifying $crlf for the matchtext.

This command also fills the $filtered identifier with the number of matches found, if any.

Note: If the input and output are the same window/file, mIRC will process the request correctly.

/findtext -n <text>
This searches active window for the specified text (same as Control+F).

/flash [-bNwNrN] [window] <text>
This flashes the specified mIRC window/icon with text in the titlebar but only if mIRC is not the active application.

The -bN switch makes mIRC beep N times.

The -wN switch makes mIRC play the Flash sound specified in the Event Beeps section N times.

The -rN switch makes mIRC repeat the flash N times.

In all cases, if N is not specified the flash/sound continues indefinitely.

/flushini <filename>
Flushes the specified INI file to the hard disk. INI files are cached in memory, so you may want to do this to make sure that your INI is updated properly.

/font [-asbidz|window] <fontsize> <fontname>
This allows you to change the font for the current window. If no parameters are specified, the font dialog pops up, otherwise the specified parameters are used.

The -a switch applies the setting to the active window, -s to the status window.

The -b switch makes the font bold and the -i switch makes it italic.

The -d switch makes the font the default for that type of window, eg. for all channels, or all chats.

The -z switch clears all font settings and sets all windows to the specified font. If no font is specified, all windows are set to default font settings.

Note: If you use a negative number for the font size, it will match the size of fonts in the font dialog.

/fullname <name>
Changes the full name in the connect dialog.

/help [keyword]
Brings up the section in the mIRC help file which matches the specified keyword.

/hop [-cn] [#channel] [message]
Parts the current channel and joins a new one. If no new channel is specified, it parts and rejoins the current channel without closing the window.

The -c switch cycles the specified channel by parting and rejoining it.

The -n switch minimizes the channel window.

/join [-inx] <#channel>
This is a standard IRC command for joining a channel.

The -i switch makes you join the channel to which you were last invited.
The -n and -x switches minimize/maximize the channel window when you join it.

/linesep [-s|window]
Prints the line separator selected in the Options dialog in the specified window.

/links [-nx]
Retrieves the servers to which your current server is linked.

The -n and -x switches minimize/maximize the window when it opens.

/load <-a|-pscqnm|-ruvsN> <filename>
Loads the specified alias, popup, or script.

/load -a aliases.ini        loads an aliases file

/load -ps status.ini        loads a status window popup
/load -pc status.ini        loads a channel popup
/load -pq status.ini        loads a query popup
/load -pn status.ini        loads a nickname list popup
/load -pm status.ini        loads a menubar popup

/load -ru users.ini        loads a users file
/load -rv vars.ini                loads a variables file
/load -rs script.ini        loads a scripts file

If you try to load a file that is already loaded, its contents are updated and its position in the alias/script processing order is maintained.

You can also use the /reload command with the same parameters to reload a file without triggering the on start/load events in the script being loaded.

If you specify the N with /load -rsN, this loads/reloads the script into the Nth position in the script list.

Note: You can only load one section at a time.

/loadbuf [lines] [-apirsglecNnomt<topic>] <window | dialog id> <filename>
Loads the specified number of lines from the end of the file of filename into the specified window.

/loadbuf 20 @test info.txt

This loads the last 20 lines of info.txt into custom window @test.

/loadbuf 10-40 @test info.txt

This loads lines 10 to 40 of info.txt into custom window @test.

The -a switch loads the text into the active window.
The -p switch forces lines of text to wrap when added to the window.
The -i switch makes sure that lines are indented if they wrap.
The -r switch clears the contents of the output window.
The -s switch applies the command to the status window.
The -l switch applies the command to the side-listbox in a custom window.
The -e switch evaluates variables and identifiers in the line being read.
The -cN switch specifies the default color for lines.

The -n switch logs the loaded text to a log file, if logging is enabled for that window. The -m switch indicates that the text is already timestamped.

The -o switch indicates that you have specified [dialog id] parameters instead of a window name in order to load text into a custom dialog control.

The -t switch loads the text under the [topic] section in an INI or plain text file.

/localinfo -uhp [host] [ip]
Looks up and sets your Local settings. The -u switch performs a /userhost lookup, the -h switch performs a normal lookup, and the -p switch performs a UPnP lookup through your router, if that is available. If you wish, you can also specify the hostname and IP address values manually.

/log <on|off> <window> [-f filename]
Turns logging on and off for a window, if you specify a filename the logs file dialog is not popped up.

/logview <filename>
Displays a text file in mIRC using the same method as the Log Files dialog.

/menubar <on|off>
Changes the menubar display state. The $menubar identifier can be used to determine its state.

/mdi -act
Allows you to arrange icons, and cascade/tile windows.

/mkdir <dirname>
Creates the specified directory.

/mnick <nickname>
Changes your main nickname.

/nick <nickname>
Changes your nickname.

Performs no operation, parameters are evaluated as with a normal command.

/omsg [#channel] <message>
This and the /onotice command sends the specified message to all channel ops on a channel. You must be a channel operator to use these commands. If the #channel is not specified, then the current channel is used.

/partall [message]
Parts all of the channels you are currently on. On certain IRC Servers, you can also specify a message.

/pdcc [on | off]
If turned on, tries to speed up dcc sends by sending packets ahead of acks.

/perform [on|off]
Enables or disables the Perform form section.

/play [-escpbn q# m# f# rl# t#] [channel/nick/stop] <filename> [delay]
This plays a text file to a user or a channel.

/pop <delay> [#channel] <nickname>
Performs a delayed op on a nickname. The purpose of this command is to prevent a channel window filling up with op mode changes whenever several users have the same nickname in their auto-op section.

mIRC will pause around <delay> seconds before performing the op. If <delay> is zero, it does an immediate op. Before performing the op it checks if the user is already opped. If you do not specify the #channel, the current channel is assumed.

/pvoice <delay> [#channel] <nickname>
Works the same way as the /pop command except that voices a user.

/qmsg <message>
This and the /qme command send the specified message or action to all open query windows.

/query [-n] <nick> [message]
Opens a query window to the specified nickname. If a message is provided, it is sent.

If the -n switch is specified, the window is opened in a minimized state.

/queryrn <nick> <newnick>
Changes the nickname of an open query window.

/raw [-qn] <command>
Sends the specified command directly to the server. You must know the correct raw format of the command you are sending.

/raw PRIVMSG nickname :Hello there!

The -q switch makes the command work quietly without printing what it is sending.
The -n switch prevents characters in the range 0-255 from being UTF-8 encoded.

Note: This command does the same thing as /quote in other IRC clients.

/remini <inifile> <section> [item]
Deletes whole sections or single items in an INI file.

/remini my.ini DDE ServerStatus

This would delete the ServerStatus item, and:

/remini my.ini DDE

Would delete the DDE section.

See the /writeini command below for a related example.

Warning: Do not use this command to modify any of the INI files currently being used by mIRC.

/remove [-b] <filename>
Deletes the specified file.

The -b switch deletes the file and moves it to the recycle bin.

/rename <filename> <newfilename>
Renames a file, can also be used to move a file from one directory to another.

/resetidle [seconds]
This resets the $idle identifier to zero or to the number of seconds you specify.

/rmdir <dirname>
Deletes the specified directory.

Note: If the directory contains files, it cannot be deleted.

/run [-np] <filename> [parameters]
Runs the specified program with parameters.

The -n switch minimizes the window of the application being run.
The -p switch sets the working path to the path of the application being run.

You can enclose the filename or parameters in quotes if you need to. If you specify a non-executable file, mIRC tries to open it with the application associated with that file.

/save <-pscqnm|-ruv> <filename>
Saves the specified popup or remote users/variables file.    

/save -ps status.ini        saves the status popup to status.ini
/save -pn nick.ini        saves the nickname list popup to nick.ini

/save -ru users.ini        saves the user list to users.ini
/save -rv vars.ini        saves the variables list to vars.ini

Note: You can only save one section at a time.

/savebuf [-sgao] [lines] <window | dialog id> <filename>
Saves the specified number of lines from the end of the buffer of the specified window into the specified filename.

/savebuf 20 @test info.txt

This saves the last 20 lines in custom window @test to info.txt.

/savebuf 10-40 @test info.txt

This saves lines 10 to 40 in custom window @test to info.txt.

The -s switch saves the status window buffer, and the -a switch makes it append the text to the end of a file instead of overwriting it.

The -o switch indicates that you have specified [dialog id] parameters instead of a window name in order to save text from a custom dialog control.

Updates all mIRC-related INI files with the current settings.

/say <message>
This sends a message to the current channel or query window. So "/say Hello there" would be the same as just typing "Hello there".

Note: You cannot use this command in the remote section. Use /msg #channel <message> instead.

/server [-46emnsarpfocz] <server/groupname> [port] [password] [-i nick anick email name] [-jn #channel pass]
Connects you to a server, first disconnecting you from the current server.

/server 6667 mypassword

If you type /server with no parameters, mIRC will connect to the last server you used. If you use the server command while still connected, you will be disconnected with your normal quit message and will then connect to the specified server.

You can also use /server N which connects to the Nth server in the server list in the connect dialog.

You can also use /server groupname which will cycle through all the servers in the server list which have that group name until it connects to one of them.

The -46 switches make /server connect to either IPv4, IPv6, or both types of addresses.

The -e switch initiates a secure connection to an SSL capable server. Alternatively you can prefix the port number with a plus sign, eg. +7001.

The -m switch creates a new server window for that connection and connects to the server. The -n switch does the same thing but does not connect to the server.

The -pfoc switches prevent perform, popup favorites folder, autojoin channels, and the on connect event when you connect to a server.

The -z switch minimizes the new server window.

If you specify any of the -sar switches, the format of the command becomes:

/server -sar [server] [-p port] [-g group] [-w password] [-d description]

 -s sorts the servers list
 -a adds a server. If it exists, it is updated
 -r removes a server

mIRC tries to find a match for either the server address or the description in the existing servers list. You can also specify none for -g -w and -d to clear the current setting.

/showmirc -mnrstxoplf
Manipulates the display of the main mIRC window, where -n = minimize, -r = restore, -s = show, -t = tray, -x = maximize, -o = on top, -p = not on top, -m = minimize according to tray settings, -f = full screen.

The -l switch can be used with the -nt switches to lock mIRC.

/sline [-a|r] <#channel> <N|nick>
Selects or de-selects lines in a channel nickname listbox. It can select either the Nth nickname in a listbox, or a specified nickname.

If you do not specify any switches, any existing selections in the listbox are cleared. If you specify the -a switch then the specified is selected without affecting the selection states of other lines. If you specify the -r switch then the specified item is de-selected.

/speak <text>
Speaks the specified text, see the Speech section for more information.

/splay [-cwmpq] <filename>
Plays the specified sound, see the Playing Sounds section.

/sreq [+m|-m] [ask | auto | ignore]
This is the command line equivalent of setting the DCC Send request radio buttons in the dcc options dialog (see /creq above). The +m|-m switch turns the minimize setting on|off.

/strip [+-burc]
Turns control code stripping options in Options dialog on/off.

/strip +bur-c

would turn bold, underline, reverse stripping on, and turn color stripping off.

/switchbar <on|off>
Changes the menubar display state. The $switchbar identifier can be used to determine its state.

/timer[N/name] [-cdeomhipr] [time] <repetitions> <interval> <command>
Activates the specified timer to perform the specified command at a specified interval, and optionally at a specified time.

If you are not connected to a server and you start a timer, it defaults to being an offline timer which means it will continue to run whether you are connected to a server or not.

If you are connected to a server and you start a timer, it defaults to being an online timer, which means that if you disconnect from the server, it will be turned off. You can specify the -o switch to force it to be an offline timer.

/timer1 0 20 /ame is AWAY!

Timer1 will repeat an all channel action every 20 seconds until you stop the timer.

If you specify a delay of 0 seconds, the timer will trigger immediately after the calling script ends.

/timer5 10 60 /msg #games For more info on the latest games do /msg GaMeBoT info

Timer5 will repeat this message to channel #games every sixty seconds and stop after 10 times.

/timer9 14:30 1 1 /say It is now 2:30pm

This will wait until 2:30pm and will then announce the time once and stop.

To see a list of active timers type /timers. To see the setting for timer1 type /timer1. To deactivate timer1 type /timer1 off. To deactivate all timers type /timers off. If you are activating a new timer you do not need to specify the timer number, just use:

/timer 10 20 /ame I am not here!

And mIRC will allocate the first free timer it finds to this command.

If you specify the -c switch, this makes mIRC "catch up" a timer by executing it more than once during one interval if the real-time interval is not matching your requested interval.

If you specify the -m or -h switch, this indicates that the interval delay is in milliseconds.

Note: The -h switch creates a high-resolution multimedia timer. This type of timer should only be used in critical timer situations since it uses system resources heavily.

The -d switch ensures that a timer and any subsequent timers using the -d switch are triggered in that order.

If you specify the -e switch, this executes the command associated with the specified timer name, also works if you specify a wildcard name.

The $ltimer identifier returns the number of the timer that was just started by the /timer command.

Instead of using a number you can also specify a name for a timer.

/timershow 0 10 echo -a $nick $server $time

You can force identifiers to be re-evaluated when used in a /timer command by using the format $!me or $!time.

If you wish to turn off a range of timers, you can use a wildcard for the number, for example:

/timer3? off

Will turn off all timers from 30 to 39.

The -pr switches pause and resume a timer respectively.

The -i switch makes a timer dynamically associate with whatever happens to be the active connection. If a server window is closed, the timer is associated with the next available server window.

/timestamp [-fgs|a|e] [on|off|default] [windowname]
Turns timestamping of events on or off. If you specify default, uses the global timestamp setting.

 -s = for status window
 -a = for active window
 -e = for every window

If a windowname is not specified, then the global timstamp switch is turned on or off.

The -f switch allows you to set the event timestamp format, eg. /timestamp -f [HH:nn]

The -g switch allows you to set the logging timestamp format.

/titlebar [@window] <text>
Sets the main application titlebar. If you specify a custom @window name, then the titlebar for that custom window is changed.

/tnick <nickname>
Changes your nickname to a temporary nickname, without affecting your main or alternate nicknames.

/tokenize <c> <text>
Fills the $1 $2 ... $N identifiers with tokens in <text> separated by character <c>, eg.:

/tokenize 44 a,b c,d,e

The above command would set $1 = a, $2 = b c, $3 = d, $4 = e

/toolbar <on|off>
Changes the toolbar display state. The $toolbar identifier can be used to determine its state.

/treebar <on|off>
Changes the treebar display state. The $treebar identifier can be used to determine its state.

/unload <-a|-nrs> <filename>
Unloads the specified alias or remote script file.

/unload -a aliases.ini        unloads the alias.ini file
/unload -rs script.ini        unloads the script.ini file

The -n switch prevents a script from having the on unload event triggered.

Note: You can only unload one script at a time.

Usually the channel nicknames list and IAL in a kick/part/quit script event are updated after the script finishes, this command updates them immediately.

/url [on | off | show | hide | -dranils] [[N | mark ] | address]
Show or hides the URL list window, and allows you to modify the current list of addresses in it.

The -r switch deletes the Nth item, or all items that match the mark you specify.

The -an switches allow you to open a browser window to an address, where -a = activate browser, and -n = use a new browser window.

The -ils switches allow you to insert an item, load, and save the list, respectively.

/winhelp <filename> [key]
Opens a help file with the specified search key.

/write [-cidna l# s# w# r#] <filename> [text]
Writes lines to a text file. For example:

/write store.txt This line will be appended to the end of file store.txt

The -c switch clears the file completely before writing to it, so it allows you to start with a clean slate.

/write -c c:\info.txt This file will be erased and have this line written to it

The -l# switch specifies the line number where the text is to be written.

/write -l5 c:\info.txt This line will overwrite the 5th line in the file

The -i switch indicates that the text should be inserted at the specified line instead of overwriting it. If you do not specify any text then a blank line is inserted. If you do not specify a line number then a blank line is added to the end of the file.

/write -il5 c:\info.txt This line will be inserted at the 5th line in the file

The -d switch deletes a line in the file. If you do not specify a line number then the last line in the file is deleted.

/write -dl5 c:\info.txt

The above command will delete the 5th line in the file.

The -s# switch scans a file for the line beginning with the specified text and performs the operation on that line.

/write -dstest c:\info.txt

This will scan file info.txt for a line beginning with the word "test" and if found, deletes it.

If you do not specify any switches then the text is just added to the end of the file.

The -w# switch scans a file for the line containing the specified wildcard text and performs the operation on that line. The -r# switch implies a regex match.

Note: With both -s# and -w# you can enclose the scan text in quotes if it contains spaces.

The -a switch indicates that mIRC should append the line of text you specified to the existing text of the specified line.

The -n switch prevents it from adding a $crlf to the end of the text.

Note: You cannot use this command to write to an INI file. If you do so, you will most likely corrupt the INI file.

/writeini -n <inifile> <section> <item> <value>
Writes to files in the standard INI file format.

If the -n switch is specified, mIRC will attempt to write to the .ini file even if it is larger than 64k.

A part of the mirc.ini file looks like this:


You could achieve this with /writeini by using:

/writeini my.ini DDE ServerStatus on
/writeini my.ini DDE ServiceName mirc

You can delete whole sections or items by using the /remini command.

Warning: Do not use this command to modify any of the INI files that mIRC is currently using.

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