Saturday, November 5, 2011

Raw Codes

By Number

000 series
001    :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network nickname
002    :Your host is server, running version ver
003    :This server was created datetime
004    server ver usermode chanmode
005    :map
007    :End of /MAP
008    num :: Server notice mask (hex)

200 series
211    connection sendq sentmsg sentbyte recdmsg recdbyte :open
212    command uses bytes
213    C address * server port class
214    N address * server port class
215    I ipmask * hostmask port class
216    k address * username details
217    P port ?? ??
218    Y class ping freq maxconnect sendq
219    char :End of /STATS report
221    mode
222    mask :comment
223    E hostmask * username ?? ??
224    D ipmask * username ?? ??
241    L address * server ?? ??
242    :Server Up num days, time
243    o mask password user ?? class
244    H address * server ?? ??
247    G address timestamp :reason
248    U host * ?? ?? ??
249    :info
250    :Highest connection count: total (num clients)
251    :There are user users and invis invisible on serv servers
252    num :operator(s) online
253    num :unknown connection(s)
254    num :channels formed
255    :I have user clients and serv servers
256    :Administrative info about server
257    :info
258    :info
259    :info
263    :Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
265    :Current local users: curr Max: max
266    :Current global users: curr Max: max
271    nick mask
272    nick :End of Silence List
280    address timestamp reason
281    :End of G-line List
290    :num ***** topic *****
291    :text
292    : ***** Go to #dalnethelp if you have any further questions *****
293    :text
294    :Your help-request has been forwarded to Help Operators
298    nick :Nickname conflict has been resolved

300 series
301    nick :away
302    :userhosts
303    :nicknames
305    :You are no longer marked as being away
306    :You have been marked as being away
307    :userips
310    nick :looks very helpful
311    nick username address * :info
312    nick server :info
313    nick :is an IRC Operator
314    nick username address * :info
315    request :End of /WHO list.
317    nick seconds signon :info
318    request :End of /WHOIS list.
319    nick :channels
321    Channel :Users Name
322    channel users :topic
323    :End of /LIST
324    channel mode
328    channel :url
329    channel time
331    channel :No topic is set.
332    channel :topic
333    channel nickname time
340    nick :nickname=+user@IP.address
341    nick channel
346    channel invite nick time
347    channel :End of Channel Invite List
348    channel exception nick time
349    channel :End of Channel Exception List
351    version.debug server :info
352    channel username address server nick flags :hops info
353    = channel :names
364    server hub :hops info
365    mask :End of /LINKS list.
366    channel :End of /NAMES list.
367    channel ban nick time
368    channel :End of Channel Ban List
369    request :End of WHOWAS
371    :info
372    :- info
374    :End of /INFO list.
375    :- server Message of the Day -
376    :End of /MOTD command.
377    :- info
378    :- info
381    :You are now an IRC Operator
382    file :Rehashing
391    server :time

400 series
401    nickname :No such nick
402    server :No such server
403    channel :No such channel
404    channel :Cannot send to channel
405    channel :You have joined too many channels
406    nickname :There was no such nickname
407    target :Duplicate recipients. No message delivered
408    nickname #channel :You cannot use colors on this channel. Not sent: text
409    :No origin specified
411    :No recipient given (command)
412    :No text to send
413    mask :No toplevel domain specified
414    mask :Wildcard in toplevel Domain
416    command :Too many lines in the output, restrict your query
421    command :Unknown command
422    :MOTD File is missing
423    server :No administrative info available
431    :No nickname given
432    nickname :Erroneus Nickname
433    nickname :Nickname is already in use.
436    nickname :Nickname collision KILL
437    channel :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel
438    nick :Nick change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.
439    target :Target change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.
441    nickname channel :They aren't on that channel
442    channel :You're not on that channel
443    nickname channel :is already on channel
445    :SUMMON has been disabled
446    :USERS has been disabled
451    command :Register first.
455    :Your username ident contained the invalid character(s) chars and has been changed to new. Please use only the characters 0-9 a-z A-Z _ - or . in your username. Your username is the part before the @ in your email address.
461    command :Not enough parameters
462    :You may not reregister
467    channel :Channel key already set
468    channel :Only servers can change that mode
471    channel :Cannot join channel (+l)
472    char :is unknown mode char to me
473    channel :Cannot join channel (+i)
474    channel :Cannot join channel (+b)
475    channel :Cannot join channel (+k)
477    channel :You need a registered nick to join that channel.
478    channel ban :Channel ban/ignore list is full
481    :Permission Denied- You're not an IRC operator
482    channel :You're not channel operator
483    :You cant kill a server!
484    nick channel :Cannot kill, kick or deop channel service
485    channel :Cannot join channel (reason)
491    :No O-lines for your host

500 series
501    :Unknown MODE flag
502    :Cant change mode for other users
510    :You must resolve the nickname conflict before you can proceed
511    mask :Your silence list is full
512    address :No such gline
513    If you can't connect, type /QUOTE PONG code or /PONG code

600 series
600    nick userid host time :logged offline
601    nick userid host time :logged online
602    nick userid host time :stopped watching
603    :You have mine and are on other WATCH entries
604    nick userid host time :is online
605    nick userid host time :is offline
606    :nicklist

By Category

256    :Administrative info about server
257    :info
258    :info
259    :info
423    server :No administrative info available

305    :You are no longer marked as being away
306    :You have been marked as being away
441    nickname channel :They aren't on that channel

441    nickname channel :They aren't on that channel

280    address timestamp reason
281    :End of G-line List
512    address :No such gline

290    :num ***** topic *****
291    :text
292    : ***** Go to #dalnethelp if you have any further questions *****
293    :text
294    :Your help-request has been forwarded to Help Operators

371    :info
374    :End of /INFO list.

341    nick channel
443    nickname channel :is already on channel
482    channel :You're not channel operator

303    :nicknames

328    channel :url
332    channel :topic
333    channel nickname time
353    = channel :names
366    channel :End of /NAMES list.
405    channel :You have joined too many channels
439    target :Target change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.
471    channel :Cannot join channel (+l)
473    channel :Cannot join channel (+i)
474    channel :Cannot join channel (+b)
475    channel :Cannot join channel (+k)
477    channel :You need a registered nick to join that channel.
485    channel :Cannot join channel (reason)

403    channel :No such channel
441    nickname channel :They aren't on that channel
482    channel :You're not channel operator
484    nick channel :Cannot kill, kick or deop channel service

483    :You cant kill a server!
484    nick channel :Cannot kill, kick or deop channel service

364    server hub :hops info
365    mask :End of /LINKS list.

321    Channel :Users Name
322    channel users :topic
323    :End of /LIST

250    :Highest connection count: total (num clients)
251    :There are user users and invis invisible on serv servers
252    num :operator(s) online
253    num :unknown connection(s)
254    num :channels formed
255    :I have user clients and serv servers
265    :Current local users: curr Max: max
266    :Current global users: curr Max: max

005    :map
007    :End of /MAP

008    num :: Server notice mask (hex)
221    mode
324    channel mode
329    channel time
346    channel invite nick time
347    channel :End of Channel Invite List
348    channel exception nick time
349    channel :End of Channel Exception List
367    channel ban nick time
368    channel :End of Channel Ban List
403    channel :No such channel
441    nickname channel :They aren't on that channel
442    channel :You're not on that channel
467    channel :Channel key already set
468    channel :Only servers can change that mode
472    char :is unknown mode char to me
478    channel ban :Channel ban/ignore list is full
482    channel :You're not channel operator
484    nick channel :Cannot kill, kick or deop channel service
501    :Unknown MODE flag
502    :Cant change mode for other users

372    :- info
375    :- server Message of the Day -
376    :End of /MOTD command.
377    :- info
378    :- info
422    :MOTD File is missing

353    = channel :names
366    channel :End of /NAMES list.

298    nick :Nickname conflict has been resolved
431    :No nickname given
432    nickname :Erroneus Nickname
433    nickname :Nickname is already in use.
437    channel :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel
438    nick :Nick change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.

403    channel :No such channel
404    channel :Cannot send to channel
407    target :Duplicate recipients. No message delivered
411    :No recipient given (command)
412    :No text to send
413    mask :No toplevel domain specified
414    mask :Wildcard in toplevel Domain
439    target :Target change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.

381    :You are now an IRC Operator
491    :No O-lines for your host

403    channel :No such channel
442    channel :You're not on that channel

462    :You may not reregister

409    :No origin specified

301    nick :away
403    channel :No such channel
404    channel :Cannot send to channel
407    target :Duplicate recipients. No message delivered
408    nickname #channel :You cannot use colors on this channel. Not sent: text
411    :No recipient given (command)
412    :No text to send
413    mask :No toplevel domain specified
414    mask :Wildcard in toplevel Domain
439    target :Target change too fast. Please wait sec seconds.

382    file :Rehashing

271    nick mask
272    nick :End of Silence List
511    mask :Your silence list is full

211    connection sendq sentmsg sentbyte recdmsg recdbyte :open
212    command uses bytes
213    C address * server port class
214    N address * server port class
215    I ipmask * hostmask port class
216    k address * username details
217    P port ?? ??
218    Y class ping freq maxconnect sendq
219    char :End of /STATS report
222    mask :comment
223    E hostmask * username ?? ??
224    D ipmask * username ?? ??
241    L address * server ?? ??
242    :Server Up num days, time
243    o mask password user ?? class
244    H address * server ?? ??
247    G address timestamp :reason
248    U host * ?? ?? ??
249    :info
250    :Highest connection count: total (num clients)

445    :SUMMON has been disabled

391    server :time

331    channel :No topic is set.
332    channel :topic
333    channel nickname time
403    channel :No such channel
442    channel :You're not on that channel
482    channel :You're not channel operator

462    :You may not reregister

302    :userhosts

307    :userips
340    nick :nickname=+user@IP.address

446    :USERS has been disabled

351    version.debug server :info

602    nick userid host time :stopped watching
603    :You have mine and are on other WATCH entries
604    nick userid host time :is online
605    nick userid host time :is offline
606    :nicklist

315    request :End of /WHO list.
352    channel username address server nick flags :hops info
416    command :Too many lines in the output, restrict your query

301    nick :away
310    nick :looks very helpful
311    nick username address * :info
312    nick server :info
313    nick :is an IRC Operator
317    nick seconds signon :info
318    request :End of /WHOIS list.
319    nick :channels
431    :No nickname given

301    nick :away
314    nick username address * :info
369    request :End of WHOWAS
406    nickname :There was no such nickname
431    :No nickname given


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