Author: Khaled Mardam-Bey
Release: 29/06/95
Description: Welcome to mIRC v3.42, an IRC client for Windows.
29/06/95 - mIRC v3.42 (minor update)
1.Fixed Beeping saving/loading beep settings using only nickname
and not the whole line in 'DCC Chat with krejt'.
2.The Local Host name can now be changed while online.
3.The /ban command did not allow processing of following commands.
4.Fixed 'Enter' bug in single-line editbox (?).
5.If "Show quits in channel" wasn't checked, user would not be
removed from channel namelist when user quits.
6.Unbanning in the /channel dialog now unbans 3 users at a time
in one mode command instead of one user at a time.
7.Added Options->Auto-Op random pausing (up to 7 seconds).
8.Minimized get icon now shows nickname.
9.Fixed server ports being reset to 6667.
10.Fixed the /msg =nickname GPF bug.
11.Added * to beginning of username in /ban addresses.
12.Changed /finger method slightly.
13.Added /pop <delay> [#channel] <nickname> command which performs
a paused op on the specified user within a random number of seconds.
14.A DCC Chat window is only given focus on connection if it is
the active window, otherwise it just beeps once.
15.Can now do /help <topic>.
16.Fileserver was ignoring <max gets> parameter and limited users to
get only one file at a time.
17.Optimized routine for handling mode changes.
18.Fixed ON NOTICE bug.
19.Fixed /uwho (is operator) bug and /uwho ctcp bug.
20.Fileserver: if file has no extension then '.' is automatically
added to user get request filename.
21.Improved voiced/opped display of nicks but still when a user is
deopped and has a voice, things mess up.
22.Now automatically shortens your nicknames to the maximum length
allowed by the server you connect to.
23.Fixed bug with /ban after using the /auser command.
24.Rewrite of INI reading routines in the hope of fixing GPF's
and other weird problems that are being caused by this.
25.Changed timing of Misc->Options->perform commands, now sends
commands right after end of MOTD.
File size: 205.1 kb, Total Downloads:
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