MLOCK (or "mode lock") allows you to enforce a set of modes on a channel. This can prevent abuse in cases such as +kl. It can also make it harder to fight evil bots, be careful. Locked modes can be seen by anyone recreating the channel (this includes keys).
Syntax: SET <#channel> MLOCK <modes>
Examples: (some may use modes your ircd does not support)
/msg ChanServ SET #mircplugin MLOCK +nt-lk
/msg ChanServ SET #mircplugin MLOCK +inst-kl
/msg ChanServ SET #mircplugin MLOCK +ntk c
/msg ChanServ SET #mircplugin MLOCK +ntcjf-kl 2:30 #overflow
/msg ChanServ SET #mircplugin MLOCK +mntF-kljf
/msg ChanServ SET #mircplugin MLOCK +ntlL 40 #foo2
/msg ChanServ SET #mircplugin MLOCK OFF
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