Author: Khaled Mardam-Bey
Release: 24/10/95
Description: Welcome to mIRC v3.72, an IRC client for Windows.
24/10/95 - mIRC v3.72
1.Fixed $parms not being passed in a redirection.
2.Can now /play to any channel/nick without needing
to have that window already open.
3.Added -ttopic option to /play which looks for the
specified [topic] in a text file and plays it to
the specified nick/channel.
4.Added $pnick identifier which refers to the nick/channel
which is currently being played to, so you can use it
in /played commands.
5.Allows #$parmN to force a parameter to be a channel.
6.Fixed DCC Resume filesize bug.
7.Added option to show notifies in active window.
8.Completely reorganized the Options dialog as it was
too crowded and it was getting harder to add new options.
Now divided into sections, and also incorporates the
options in the extras, url, sounds, and ident dialogs.
The menus and toolbar buttons have been re-organized
9.Fixed QUIT bug when exiting mIRC while still connected.
It was sending a part instead of a quit to the server.
10.Fixed /timer not releasing it's memory in certain
11.Fixed positioning of : in some raw commands.
12.Fixed setting of focus to windows.
13.Added option to dump joins/parts to status window.
14.Now shows DCC transfers percentage/size at head
of window title for win95 users.
15.Messages from irc ops of the form $address or
#address are now displayed in the server window
in pretty purple as opposed to opening up a query
16.Added "clear list" button to dcc chat dialog (the
DCC Send dialog uses the same list).
17.The /pop delay value can be up to 15 seconds now.
18.The weird DCC Send dialog bug was fixed (?)
19.Improved copy/paste routine memory allocation.
20.Fixed /sound with invalid parameters gpfing.
21.Fixed some toolbar colours not being displayed
correctly for some buttons.
22.Number of channels in channel list window is now
shown at beginning of title.
23.Text printed with the /echo command is now wrapped.
24.Added $r(v1,v2) identifier, returns random number
or letter between v1 and v2.
25.Fixed Ident server time-out bug.
File size: 470.8 kb, Total Downloads:
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