Author: Khaled Mardam-Bey
Release: 06/07/96
Description: Welcome to mIRC v4.52s, an IRC client for Windows.
06/07/96 - mIRC v4.52
1.Fixed UTC permanently.
2.Fixed invalid ctcp replies causing a gpf.
3.Fixed /play bug.
4.Fixed scrollbars not being set properly in some windows
when they first open.
5.Changed method of adding Icons to program manager
in Installation program.
6.Fixed bug in Installation program when installing into
directory names with spaces in them.
7.Fixed the COMMAND DDE topic to work better with certain
types of poked commands.
8.Fixed bug with Popup menus when using { } brackets to
enclose commands in different level menu items.
9.Fixed channels folder bug not allowing you to join a
channel unless it was first added to the list.
10.In COMMANDS, $parm1 now refers to the actual COMMAND.
11.Server notices are now only displayed in status window.
12.Added $address(nickname,type) which scans the internal
address list and returns a users address if it's found.
13.Added $logdir, $getdir, $wavedir, $mircdir which return
current directory paths for each location.
14.Identifiers in remote/popup commands which call aliases
are now evaluated before the alias is called.
15.Fixed ON NOTIFY not being triggered by notify event.
16.mIRC will no longer allow the DO ctcp command to execute
at or below the default user level.
17.Now allows /group, /enable, and /disable commands to be
used with the RAW section.
18.Changed description of Protect option which said it worked
with addresses.. it can only work with nicknames.
19.Added $lf = chr(10) linefeed and $cr = chr(13) return.
20.Added $lof(filename) which returns the size in bytes of
the specified file.
21.Added $pos(string,substring) which returns the position
of substring in string.
22.Fixed bug in remote when parsing { } brackets, was miscounting
and skipping definitions.
23.Made remote routines less strict in the type of format
they expect in definitions. eg. the :> redirection.
24.The channels.txt file now does not store channels that
were excluded in the "Hide" parameters section.
25.Added $send(N) and $get(N) which return currently open
send/get windows.
26.Fixed $chat(N) so it only returns the nickname of the user.
27.Now allows multiple channel names as variables, eg:
1:ON JOIN:%chan1,#mIRC,%chan2:etc...
Or you can do:
1:ON JOIN:%channels:etc...
Where %channels is a list of channels separated by commas.
You can't *combine* these though.
28.Added $mask(address,type) which returns the address
with the specified mask.
29.Identifiers are now passed correctly when calling an alias
from another alias.
30.Added command line parameter -ppassword for use with the
-jchannel parameter. Specifies password to join channel.
31.Now supports the PASSWORD parameter in .chat files for
joining a channel with a password.
1:ON CHATOPEN:/commands...
33.Added /flushini <filename> which flushes the ini file to
disk if it is currently being cached.
34.Added /closedccs, /closechats, and /closefserves, which
close all inactive send/get, chat, and fserve windows.
35.Added $nopath(filename) identifier which returns only
the filename with no path.
36.Fixed $$ not working when used in $$1 $$2 .. $$N.
37.Added $replace(string,substring,replacement)
and $remove(string,substring).
38.Speeded up processing of identifiers and commands.
39.Speeded up display of info in /links window.
40.Fixed NT bug... it didn't like low-level assembly routines.
41.Fixed +v/-v mode display in channel nicknames listbox.
42.The default /list setting for minimum number of people
on a channel has changed from zero to four.
43.Using /halt to prevent certain EVENTs from being displayed
has been removed. It worked, but the order of display of
information became non-intuitive and confusing. Will find
a better way to do this for the next version.
44.Added $result identifier which stores the result of
a /return <result>. The result can be a number between
0 and 30,000.
File size: 631.3 kb, Total Downloads:
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