Author: Khaled Mardam-Bey
Release: 03/06/99
Description: Welcome to mIRC v5.6s, an IRC client for Windows.
03/06/99 - mIRC v5.6
1.Fixed on midiend being triggered when you try to play a midi while
one is already playing.
2.Fixed /window -g not working on hidden windows.
3.Fixed popup menu - separator bug.
4.Fixed on servermode/usermode events.
5.Fixed bug with Ctrl-Shift-Home shifting display text when trying to
highlight text in editbox.
6.CTCPs sent to a channel are now displayed in the status window, not
in the channel window.
7.Fixed wave sounds not playing properly if a wave sound was currently
being played.
8.Fixed not being able to Control-K in a combo editbox.
9.Fixed $mask() bug.
10.Long lines in the /stats reply are now wrapped.
11.Fixed /flash not resetting tray icon.
12.$isfile/isdir/exists now return $false if provided with a
$null value.
13.$chr(26) EOF is now stripped from lines written to log files.
14.Removed backward-compatible support for the old format of $left,
$mid, $nick, $right, $snick, $str, where N was specified first.
15.Extended $nick() identifier to $nick(#,N,aohvr,aohvr), to replace
all of the other $opnick/$nopnick/etc. identifiers.
Both aohvr parameters are optional. The first specifies which
nicks you'd like included, and the second specifies the nicks
you'd like excluded.
a = all, o = ops, h = helper, v = voiced, r = regular
Note: the old identifiers are still supported for now.
16.Your away status is now shown in the Status window titlebar.
17.Fixed Channel topic "set by" message being displayed in channel
when "show topic in channel" was turned off.
18.Fixed URL hotlink bug when over nicknames beginning with non-
alphabetic characters which matched another nickname on the
19.Fixed bug in /background command, wasn't freeing resources
20.Added $dccport identifier for DCC Server port.
21.Added /echo -q switch which makes /echo not display any text if
it is in an alias that was called with the . prefix.
22.Fixed bug when two simultaneous dcc chats by two users resulted in
an extra dcc chat window that connected to a non-existent socket.
23.Extended switches for /load and /reload to allow -rsN where N is
the script position of the script being loaded. This allows you
to order/re-order a script.
24.$event now returns "ctcp" for a ctcp event.
25.on input now requires the <*#?=!@> field, and any window name can
be specified now.
26.Extended on open event when it is triggered by a new query window
on 1:open:?:<wildcard text>:commands
Where the wildcard text will match the message that the user
is sending to you, causing a new query window to open. This allows
you to halt the window opening based on the message.
27.On startup, mIRC no longer checks to see if another application is
using its DDE Service name, this seems to cause problems. This
means that if another app is using the mIRC DDE Service name when
you run mIRC, the new mIRC will take over the DDE service name.
28.The date logfile names option now uses the full 4-digit year.
29.Fixed /iline bug.
30.When using /window ... /command, the contents of the @window
editbox are not reset unless the /command is different from the
previous /command.
31.Added on PING event, allows you to hide the ping server message.
32.The line "Session Time:" is now output to log files at midnight as
marker for log files that are open for a long time.
33.Fixed /window -w switchbar buttons display bug.
34.Extended /window -kN switch, where 0 = hide prefix, and 1 = show
35.Fixed bug in /dde CONNECT topic processing.
36.Fixed bug in $did() which sometimes didn't return the text in
an editbox.
37.Fixed on close event, ^ was triggering in the wrong order.
38.Desktop windows with the "flash" option turned on now have their
own window icons flashed.
39.Added $crc(filename) identifier, returns 32bit CRC.
40.Added "Track Urls" switch to System menu in Channel/Query windows,
auto-opens websites as they are mentioned in a window.
41.Added /loadbuf -ttopic switch, loads text in the [topic] section
in a text file.
42.Added /findtext [-n] <text> command, searches active window for
the specified text (same as Control-F).
43.For $readini /writeini /remini, can now specify multi-word topics
in "quotes".
44.Added $initopic(filename,N/topic) identifier, returns [topic]
name/Nth position in an ini/text file.
45.Can now specify multiple id numbers with one /did command, separated
by commas, eg. /did -b test 2,12,14,16
46.Added Popup menu to DCC Options toolbar button.
47.Fixed /dde and $dde not freeing memory bug.
48.Added $dde -dN switch, where N is the number of seconds that $dde
will wait for a reply.
49.Extended $strip(text,burc) where burc specifies the codes you want
stripped from text.
50.Added $isid identifier, returns $true if an alias was called as an
identifier, otherwise $false.
51.Added "ignore file types" option in DCC Options dialog which ignores
any DCC Sends which match the specified filenames/types.
52.Right-clicking on a window titlebar now rolls-it-up, and unrolls it
53.Extended /loadbuf and /filter to work with custom dialog controls.
/loadbuf -o [dialog id] <filename>
/filter -io [dialog id] [dialog id] <matchtext>
Where -i indicates that the input is a dialog and -o indicates
the ouput is a dialog.
54.Fixed $ignore(address) bug.
55.Added $replacecs() and $removecs() for case-sensitive versions
of these identifiers.
56.Added on PLAYEND event, triggers when a /play has finished playing
all queued files.
57.Now allows you to specify up to 9999 for the max number of users
in the list channels dialog.
58.Can now use $snick(#channel) without the N parameter to return the
list of all selected nicks on #channel.
59.The channels list window popup menu now allows you to stop listing
channels in mid-list when on DALnet servers.
60./unset <wildcard> now displays only the number of vars unset.
61./auser and /guser now allow you to specify information which is
stored after the users level:address in the user list.
/auser [-a] <levels> <nick|address> [info]
/guser [-a] <levels> <nick> [type] [info]
You can also use the /iuser command to set/remove info:
/iuser <nick|address> [info]
Also added new .info property to $ulist() to access this line.
62.Can now use /dialog command from inside a remote script event.
63.If you run mIRC while not connected, and the connect dialog pops
up, if the local ip resolves to mIRC will re-lookup the
address once connected to the server.
64.Can now specify -1 for the [numbytes] parameter in /bwrite to
write the whole of &binvar to the file.
65.Added new "Lock" section in Options dialog, allows you to lock
mIRC, disable various features, etc.
If you hold down the Control key when you minimize mIRC, it will
ask you for the password when you try to restore the window.
If you try to Control-minimize with no password set, it asks for
a temporary password.
66.Added DLL support, allows you to send and receive info from a DLL
designed to work with mIRC.
/dll <name.dll> <procname> [data]
$dll(name.dll, procname, data)
These open the named DLL, call the procedure in the DLL, and send it
the specified data.
The procedure in the DLL being called must be of the form:
int FAR PASCAL *procname(HWND mWnd, HWND aWnd, char far *data,
char far *parms, BOOL show, BOOL nopause)
mWnd is the handle to the main mIRC window.
aWnd is the handle of the window in which the command is being
issued, this might not be the currently active window if the
command is being called by a remote script.
data is the information that you wish to send to the DLL. On
return, the DLL can fill this variable with the command it
wants mIRC to perform if any.
parms is filled by the DLL on return with parameters that it
wants mIRC to use when performing the command that it returns
in the data variable.
The data and parms variables can each hold 900 chars maximum.
show is FALSE if the . prefix was specified to make the command
quiet, or TRUE otherwise.
nopause is TRUE if mIRC is in a critical routine and the DLL must
not do anything that pauses processing in mIRC, eg. the DLL should
not pop up a dialog. Otherwise nopause is FALSE.
The DLL can return an integer to indicate what it wants mIRC to do:
0 means that mIRC should /halt processing
1 means that mIRC should continue processing
2 means that it has filled the data variable with a command which
it wants mIRC to perform, and has filled parms with the parameters
to use, if any, when performing the command.
3 means that the DLL has filled the data variable with the result
that $dll() as an identifier should return.
The 32bit mIRC can only call 32bit DLLs, and the 16bit mIRC can only
call 16bit DLLs.
67.Added event on RAWMODE, triggers when mode change is made on one or
more users on a channel, you can use $1- to parse the raw mode change
on 1:RAWMODE:#mirc:/echo $nick set $chan mode to $1-
Also added $mode(N).op/deop/ban/unban/voice/devoice/help/dehelp
which can be used in mode change events to list the nicks affected
by the mode change.
eg. $mode(0).op returns the number of opped nicks
$mode(1).op lists first opped nick
Added $modefirst and $modelast identifiers, return $true or $false
depending on whether the event is the first or last to trigger.
68.Custom identifiers now pass parameters separated by commas correctly,
ie. $test(a, b c, d) will result in $1 = a, $2 = b c, $3 = d
Also added /tokenize <C> <text> command, this fills $1 $2... $N
identifiers with tokens separated by character C in text, eg. if
you used /tokenize 32 $1- in the above $test(a, b c, d) example,
this would make $1 = a, $2 = b, $3 = c, $4 = d.
69.Fixed bug in $read returning $null for lines containing only one
70.Fixed /sockread -f bug when used with %vars.
71.Trailing menu separators are now removed from menus.
72.Changed /flash method, displays flash message longer, also added
/flash -rN switch, repeats flash only N times.
73.Fixed bug relating to query windows desktop/mdi mode.
74.Fixed popup menu separator bug.
75.Extended $right()/$left(), you can now specify a negative value to
return all but N characters.
76.Added /echo -l switch, applies the "highlight" settings in the
options dialog to the line that's displayed.
77.Improved message highlight feature in options dialog, now allows
individual highlight matches each with its own settings.
For match words you can now specify a word, an identifier or
variable, or wildcard text.
78.Fixed $snick() returning $null when N = 0 in some cases.
79.Increased custom dialog controls maximum from 250 to 500.
80.Added $did() .visible and .enabled properties, return $true or
81.Added /dialog -v switch, makes dialog the active window.
82.Fixed error reporting bug for invalid dialog tables.
83.Added $menu identifier, returns menu name, eg.
menu nicklist,channel {
$iif($menu == nicklist,...):{}
$iif($menu == channel,...):{}
84.Extended $deltok(text,N,C), can now specify N1-N2 a range of
tokens to delete.
85.Added /query -n switch to open query window minimized.
86.Word completion with Tab Key now works for:
1) nickname in a query window, 2) nicknames in notify list
when in status window, and 3) #channel names in your channels
folder when in any window.
87.Hotlink now won't display hand over an address that contains !
88.Added $auto $ignore $protect identifiers, return $true or $false
if /auto /ignore /protect is on or off.
89.Added $abook(nick,N) identifier, with properties, .nick .info
.email .website .picture .noteN to return address book info.
Allowed formats $abook(nick) $abook(N) $abook(nick,N) where
nick can also be a wildcard.
90.Extended /filter command, format is now:
/filter [-sgdfwxnprcteu] [n-n2] [C S] <infile> <outfile> <matchtext>
-c = clear output window/file before writing results to it
-t = sort output based on column C using character S as the
columns separator, -e = descending, -u = numeric sort.
Also, if the input and output are the same window/file, mIRC
will process the request correctly.
91.Toggling desktop/mdi window now keeps editbox contents.
92.Added $disk(C) .type .free .label, you can test if a hard-disk
exists or is accessible with $disk(C), returns $true/$false.
93.Fixed DCC Send freezing bug.
94.If the switchbar "sort tabs" switch is on, dcc sends/gets are
sorted in the order in which they were started.
95.Added support for !channels for IRCnet. mIRC only enables this
on IRC servers with >= 2.10 in server numeric 004.
Note, important consequence: when mIRC is on IRCnet >= 2.10,
it internally recognizes ! as a channel prefix. This may
results in script/etc. problems where ! is used to identify
a fileserver session.
96.Added support for IRCX %#channels, and for owner .nicks in
channel nick listbox, as well as /mode +q. mIRC also does
/listx on IRCX servers by default now and reads numerics
811, 812, 816, and 817 for the channels list. mIRC recognizes
IRCX servers by seeing a >= 5.5 in the server numeric 004.
Note, important consequence: when mIRC is on IRCX >= 5.5,
it internally recognizes % as a channel prefix. Since % is
used as a variable prefix in scripts/aliases/etc. in mIRC,
this may result in script/etc. problems.
97.Now shows "you're not channel operator" server message in
channel window.
98.Can now use $(vars/identifiers) in remote event match sections
to evaluate any combination of vars/identifiers/text, eg.
on 1:TEXT:$(*hello $me $+ *):?:echo hello back!
99.Added support for local variables by using the /var command:
var %x = 1, %y, %z = $me
Local variables can only be used in the alias in which they
were created and are destroyed when the alias terminates.
100.You can no longer unset a variable by using /set with no
value, you must use /unset.
101.Fixed /nick gpf bug when specifying very long nicknames.
102.Extended /bset command:
/bset -t <&binvar> <bytepos> <asciivalue> [<asciivalue> ...]
The -t switch indicates that it should treat the values as
plain text and copy them directly into the &binvar.
Also added N2 range parameter to $bvar(&binvar,N[-N2]), and
a .text property which returns plain text up to the first
zero character.
Also added /breplace command:
/breplace <&binvar> <oldvalue> <newvalue> [<oldvalue> ...]
103.Fixed $mask() ip address related bug.
104.Added option in General dialog, right-clicking mouse button on
a line in a listbox can now auto-select it.
105.Added Merge button in logging dialog, merges log files based on
the file date.
106.$notify(nick) now returns Nth position in the notify list.
107.Can now force a permanent scrollbar in a custom dialog listbox
by using "vsbar" property.
108.Fixed /sound not being time-stamped, as well as a few other
109.Fixed /write -d bug, was deleting empty lines.
110.When specifying the -swl switches in /write and $read, the text
or number can be specified in the next parameter, doesn't need to
be appended to the switch. eg. $read -l 5 filename, or
/write -w *wildcard* filename text
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