Author: [AFX]
There is even a module manager and it works the same way in a way; if there is a new module, or updated module, you can get the new one in seconds. The Configuration lets you change the options of the script like any other script, except that this isn't bloated with features that are useless (okay, maybe there are about 2 that are useless in the Miscellaneous section - this was intended because I was going to give the script to some friends). Included in the Configuration is general setup, display setup, switchbar and nicklust setup, favourite servers, miscellaneous items, and the updates portion.
Display Settings
DownloadVersion: Final
mIRC Compatible: v6.16
Release: 26/05/2005
Description: Welcome, and thank you for downloading zIRCk, a good-purposed personal script for the novice/advanced user who likes to chat or idle.
zIRCk appears to be a small script, which is what I was going for, but it has some nice functions. The script is based on an engine, and everything works together. The script's self-updater lets you know when a certain script file has an update. So say if there was an updated events file, the script would update it and reload it automatically, without restarting the script or changing your settings.
There is even a module manager and it works the same way in a way; if there is a new module, or updated module, you can get the new one in seconds. The Configuration lets you change the options of the script like any other script, except that this isn't bloated with features that are useless (okay, maybe there are about 2 that are useless in the Miscellaneous section - this was intended because I was going to give the script to some friends). Included in the Configuration is general setup, display setup, switchbar and nicklust setup, favourite servers, miscellaneous items, and the updates portion.
The display of zIRCk is very customizable as well. You can chose either to use a large toolbar, or use a mini toolbar that is shown on the switchbar. Also on the toolbar is a bandwidth monitor that displays your upload and download speeds. The switchbar also provides a statusbar, where it shows how much memory you are using and how much is free, a lagbar that outputs lag on active server onto a graph, and switchbar scrolling buttons, just in case all the switchbar data cannot be displayed. Of course this can be turned off if you don't want to use this. zIRCk is also based around the whole IRC chatting, so only modules and options are related to IRC, none of that useless stuff merkFX had.
Features: zIRCk has a lot of features for you to use. Some you may find useful, and some you may not. Before continuing on with the script, you should take a look at what zIRCk can offer you as a script in general:Display Settings
- complete with toolbar, switchbar/statusbar, sidepane, and nickLUST
- bandwidth meter on large toolbar, also shows in statusbar if mini toolbar mode is active
- memory usage displayed on statusbar
- lag graph on statusbar which calculates lag on the active server
- scrolling buttons on statusbar to scroll through the data on the switchbar (will implement this on switchbar if statusbar is disabled)
- sidepane features a multiserv notify list and a DCC sends/gets list
- custom nicklists provided by nickLUST.dll, giving it a new look and the options to add icons to the nicknames
- MTS themes supported
- supports icon packages to give a different overall look to the script
- script is ran on an engine that is on the fly with updates. If there was a new script file or an updated one, the script will inform you and you have the choice of receiving the update
- the Module engine incorporates the updating engine too, giving you new/updated modules when availble
- zAmp, an audio player for mIRC, is also included. It supports whatever mIRC's /splay command can handle. You can scheme the player with your selection of colors and create multiple playlists, and you can also search through the playlist for matching files, and finally, you can spam your tunes to channels
- can import servers from the servers.ini file, or add your own
- contains miscellaneous settings such as custom CTCP replies, a message blocker, function key bindings, and custom quit messages
- creating modules is easier now, and is not limited to files provided only by the script or commands
- modules already included in this release are the Auto Join-Identify, Log Viewer, Nick Completer, and XDCC Server
File size: 606 KB, Total Downloads:
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