Author: Khaled Mardam-Bey
Release: 15/06/2001
Description: Welcome to mIRC v5.91t, an IRC client for Windows.
15/06/2001 - mIRC v5.91
1.Fixed $eval() bug.
2.Link control in custom dialogs triggers sclick event again.
3.Fixed $var() bug.
4.Fixed /channel display info bug.
5.Standardized on the word 'color' in identifiers and commands, and
in the help file.
6.For Undernet servers CHANTYPES is now set to #&+ by default.
7.Fixed install program always creating desktop shortcut icon.
8.Fixed mIRC taskbar icon being redisplayed in some situations after
you've minimized mIRC to the tray.
9.Fixed function keys not working in non-joined channel window if
"keep open" switch is turned on.
10.Fixed tab completion not working with $? and $input properly.
11.Fixed /userhost not updating IAL.
12.Added ctcp and whois protection options, and queue op commands
option, to Flood dialog.
13.Fixed window icon highlighting when switchbar is turned off.
14.Added support for numeric 005 NETWORK=name token (not supported
by any servers at this time) which tells the IRC client the name
of the IRC network it's connected to, eg. NETWORK=DALnet.
15.Fixed status window log filename not being updated when a new day
begins and you have when the "log by day" option enabled.
16./font can now handle quotes around font name.
17.Fixed Script Editor dialog 64k limit bug.
18.Fixed Info section not working in address book if you typed in
a nick and pressed the ctcp ping, etc. buttons.
19.Fixed the way /dialog and $dialog() windows are centered around
other windows.
20.Fixed numeric 433 triggering script twice if nickname in use.
21.Fixed dir -b not displaying bytes in fileserver.
22.Added "Method" and "Notify list" options to Nick color list Add
23.mIRC now supports servers that send a /names list which contains
a full nick!id@host format in the reply, enables mIRC to fill the
IAL on joining a channel (no servers do this yet, so this hasn't
been tested).
24.Fixed fserve max cps feature not being turned off if set to zero.
25.Fixed $rand() behaviour.
26.Can now /filter blank lines by specifying $crlf for matchtext.
27.Added "Use query for notify nicks" option to IRC dialog.
28.Fixed switchbar right-click popup menu bug.
29.Fixed $readini() not handling filename enclosed in quotes.
30.When you have the "keep channel open" option enabled, mIRC now
clears the nicklist if a channel window is open but not joined.
31.The listbox in the Control dialog is no longer sorted.
32.Fixed $regsub() not returning original text if there were no
substitutions, and not handling backreferenced values correctly
when global modifier is used.
33./tokenize now correctly resets all $N to $null if no parameters
are specified.
34.Can now use $style() in custom dialog menu definitions.
35.Added Up/down buttons to Control dialog to allow re-arranging
of listbox entries.
36.Fixed Control+H scroll bug.
37.Improved the way $null is handled in scripts.
38.mIRC now reroutes text to the status window if it can't display
text in the current window, eg. a picture @window.
39.Added $window().ontop property.
40.Fixed Line marker bug when text buffer reached maximum buffer
size in Options/General dialog.
41.Fixed font size bugs, relating to positive/negative font sizes,
in /font, $width(), $height, $wrap(), /drawtext, /window, etc.
42.Fixed $readini() bug when used without the -n switch.
43.Added "Blink icons" option to Display dialog, blinks switchbar
icons for channel/query windows if there's a message/highlight
event, or a flash event.
44.Fixed !$identifier not prefix bug.
45.Fixed editbox bug in 16bit mIRC under win3.x.
46.Added /drawrect [-d] x y w h [w h], draws rounded rectangle,
must specify width and height of ellipse used to draw corners.
47.Notify no longer triggers on a nick change if nick has only
changed case.
48.Added "monitor file changes" option to Editor dialog.
49.$count() can now handle multiple substrings.
50.Added $+(n1,...,nN) identifier, combines parameters.
51.Added /hadd -uN, unsets item after N seconds, and /hsave -u, by
default /hsave excludes items that are in the unset list, -u
forces it to include the unset items.
52.Dcc Chat/Get windows are now re-used if they are inactive and the
same person tries to chat with you again, or tries to re-send the
same file.
53.Added back notify options to show address and time.
54.Extended Hash commands to allow storage of binary variables:
/hadd -smbc <name> <item> [data | &binvar]
The -b switch indicates that you're adding a &binvar item to the
hash table, the -c switch chops the &binvar up to the first null
and treats it as plain text.
$hget(name/N,item, [&binvar])
Assigns the result of a $hget() lookup to a &binvar.
All other Hash commands handle binary variables as well, eg.
/hload, /hsave, etc.
55.Fixed alias/script recursion gpf bug.
56.Added multibyte characters option to options/messages dialog.
57.Can now use /did -z name id [min max] to reset a scrollbar range in
a custom dialog.
58.Added -i indent switch to /aline, /iline, and /loadbuf.
59.Fixed minimized icon and editbox bugs in 16bit mIRC.
60.Fixed /whois on query option not working in single message window.
61.Token identifiers can now be made case-sensitive by adding "cs" to
the identifier name, eg. $addtokcs().
62./filter -g switch now treats wildcard text as a regex expression.
63.Added /aline and /iline -n switch, doesn't add line if it already
exists in window.
64.Added two new variable types to $com(), dispatch and unknown.
These allow you to pass dispatch/unknown pointers as parameters
in a $com() call, or to retrieve dispatch/unknown pointers from
a $com() call, by reference.
To pass a dispatch/unknown pointer as a parameter in $com(),
specify the variable type as dispatch/unknown, and specify the
name of an existing $com() connection as the value.
To retrieve a dispatch/unknown pointer through a call to $com(),
specify the variable type as dispatch/unknown with *, and assign
it a variable name. When $com() returns, mIRC will create a new
$com() item with that variable name and assign it the dispatch
or unknown pointer.
In the case of retrieving an unknown pointer, mIRC will extend
it to a dispatch pointer if it can, allowing you to call it
directly via $com().
You can use $com().dispatch or $com().unknown to see if a pointer
exists for that $com() item.
65.mIRC now treats mode format +k * as a hidden key on all servers,
for servers that hide the key from non-ops.
66.Fixed /dcc send -l max cps bug.
67.Added "mp3 playing" to confirm section in IRC options dialog.
68.Added on *:unload:/command event, triggers only in the script that
is being unloaded. Also triggers if unloading via the Unload menu
in the Editor dialog.
You can use /unload -n to unload a script without triggering the
on unload event.
69.Added history listbox to Control+F find dialog.
70.Added /timer -pr switches, pause and resume a timer.
71.mIRC now waits 30 seconds before a re-connect attempt if the server
says that you were throttled for connecting too fast. mIRC looks for
the word "throttled" in the ERROR Closing Link server message.
72.Fixed /ignore -uN not resetting nick color list colors when ignore
removed after N seconds.
73.Fixed ignore button in dcc send/chat dialogs not working.
74.Fixed Flood protection ignore feature not working for dccs.
75.Pressing the enter key in the Channels folder now joins a channel
when you have an item selected in the listbox.
76.Fixed $abook() gpf bug.
77.Undo no longer works in a disabled editbox in a custom dialog.
78.Fixed drop event not working properly in custom dialogs.
79.Binary variables can now be 8192 bytes in length.
80.Added /filter -a switch, allows you to specify a sort alias which is
called to sort the filtered lines.
81.Added /cline -m switch, makes mIRC color a nick in channel messages
with the /cline color.
File size: 1109.5 kb, Total Downloads:
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