Author: Khaled Mardam-Bey
Release: 03/02/2002
Description: Welcome to mIRC v6.0, an IRC client for Windows.
03/02/2002 - mIRC v6.0
1.Fixed /filter numeric sorting bug.
2.Fixed $hget().data bug.
3.Fixed Nick color listbox display bug.
4.Fixed $mask() not handling masked address.
5.Channel nick list is now cleared when you disconnect from a server
and you have "keep channels open" enabled.
6.Added /flush -l switch, removes only the specified levels from
entries in the user list, instead of removing the entries.
7.Added $mnick back, returns your primary nickname.
8.The max cps fserve option now allows a dcc send to use up the full
max cps if no other dccs are using the bandwidth.
9.Speeded up the way the servers list is handled in many routines,
including identifiers such as $server().
10.Fixed mIRC not processing ports correctly in server definition
if password contains a - character.
11.Improved the way /dcc get works, now also allows you to redirect
a file to any folder.
12.Fixed switchbar display bug with overlapping buttons.
13.Fixed topic text being highglighted in channel central when dialog
is displayed.
14.mIRC now recognizes MS IRC Server 6.0 as IRCX.
15.Fixed /whois, etc. bug in query windows which was causing a command
to use the wrong nickname.
16.Fixed /drawrect -d bug.
17.Fixed /filter not working with local aliases.
18.Fixed $! not being passed in $iif() call.
19.Added /notify -l switch to list notify entries.
20.Added dialog -l table definition switch, makes a dialog table local,
now also looks for dialog table in the active remote file before
searching through all others.
21.Added command line switch -nouninst which prevents mIRC from adding
an uninstall item to the control panel add/remove dialog.
22.Fixed switchbar, in left/right position, not displaying partial button
at bottom.
23.Fixed selecting MDI window menu item in tray menu not redisplaying
mIRC window properly.
24.Open Folder button in DCC Get dialog is now enabled even if transfer
25.Fixed #$N- bug.
26.Added /ial [on | off] back for users who need to disable the IAL.
27.Fixed "monitor file changes" option not working with LFNs.
28.File/Folder dialogs and sub-dialogs no longer show "mIRC" in titlebar.
29.Uninstaller now deletes files in the root mIRC folder only and not
in sub-folders.
30.Added "Reset default size" option to nicklist dialog.
31.Wheel mouse now scrolls listbox without it needing focus.
32.Added set/use default options to system menu background popup.
33.Fixed window tiling overlap bug.
34.Added 'flat' and "multi' styles to custom dialog button control.
35.Can now create a second editbox on channel windows, via the channel
window system menu and right-click menu in editbox. You can use
Alt+Q to show/hide the editbox.
Also added "Tab key changes editbox focus" to General dialog,
makes it easier to switch to the second editbox. The tab key still
works as nick/channel/etc. completion if cursor is next to a word.
If enabled, you need to use Shift-Tab to cycle between the list of
nicks that messaged you.
36.Blink feature now only blinks icons for query/chat windows, and
on channels or the message window only if a highlight event was
37.Fixed /exit not closing mIRC if Editor dialog is open.
39.Updated color dialog, also added inactive editbox option.
40.A dcc resume now chops off the last 8192 bytes of a file in case
the end of the file was corrupted during a previous transfer.
41.Added /tnick command, changes to a temporary nickname without
affecting your main and alternate nickname settings.
42.$window(-3).dw/dh now return the display area of the MDI window.
43.Fixed Alt+N key bug which would cause it stop working in some
44.Fixed /hadd gpf when insufficient parameters were used.
45.Can now use \ to escape a literal character in $regsub() in the
substitution expression.
46.Added /links -nx switches, opens links window minimized or
47.Added 'nowrap' property to custom dialog text controls.
48.Can now specify "range N N" for custom dialog scroll control.
49.Fixed /dialog bug preventing you from creating more than one
modal custom dialog.
50.Fixed a bug in my socket random port selection routine.
51.Fixed /load -rs \path\to\script.mrc not loading the script.
52.Fixed /echo -h bug.
53.Fixed /server gpf bug with long server names.
54.If the auto-close dcc send/get options are enabled and you
manually click the cancel button in dcc send/get windows, they
are no longer auto-closed.
55.Fixed $snicks error message, and it no longer halts a script
if used on a non-channel window.
56./renwin now allows you to change the window name even if it's the
same name but different case.
57.Away messages for a nick are now displayed in their associated
query window if it is the currently active window.
58.mIRC will no longer rejoin an open channel window if you disconnect
and then connect to a different network.
59.Added /pvoice command, works the same as /pop but for +v modes.
60.Fixed nick color list bug, was coloring nicknames incorrectly if
your ignore/op/voice/etc. lists where not enabled.
61.Hotlink now works for all channel names in channel windows.
62.Fixed bug with /play -e option processing | separator in text.
63.Added internal support for +d channel mode for hybrid6 servers.
64.Fixed $cnick().method bug.
65.Added $awaymsg and $awaytime to return away status when used
with $away identifier.
66.Added /window -B switch to prevent custom @window editbox from
using a border.
67.Fixed $nick().color not working correctly when used with the
'aohvr' mode parameters.
68.$readn is now correctly reset on a failed $read.
69.Fixed $remove() not working if a $null substring was specified.
70.mIRC no longer includes the >N parameter in a /LIST if N is zero.
This allows it to list registered channels with no users.
71./channel request now has a time-out again.
72.Fixed /flash -rN, now repeats flash only N times.
73.The nick color list now allows you to prioritize the list, so
mIRC no longer determines the best match by itself, it will use
the first match it finds in the list.
74.Added support for server redirection numeric 10.
75.Fixed Position Reset menu item not working correctly if window
desktop/mdi position changed.
76.Fixed bug with +channel windows.
77.Added /remove -b switch, deletes file and places it in the
recycle bin.
78.Improved $rand() behaviour.
79.Added /if islower/isupper comparison.
80.Added WMA/OGG support to sounds dialog, /splay and /sound
commands, and added new identifiers.
Returns information about the specified file if a filename
was specified, or the associated folder for a filename or
file type, where type can be wave, midi, mp3, wma, ogg.
When used with an mp3 files it supports the same properties
as $mp3().
Note: this replaces $wavedir, $mididir, $mp3dir, and $mp3().
These are still supported for now but no longer documented.
Returns information about the mp3, wma, or ogg file that
is being played, same properties as $inmp3.
Note: this replaces $inmp3, which is still supported for
now but no longer documented.
81./alias now replaces an existing alias without changing it's
position in the script.
82.Added Trusted Users list to DCC Auto-get options dialog.
83.Changed behaviour of #channel name tab completion to include
currently open channels.
84.Custom dialog size now takes account of menubar height.
85.Added $timestampfmt to return options dialog timestamp format.
86.Fixed Shift+Control+V pasting text twice.
87.Fixed /renwin not allowing custom menus to work with new window
88.All internal joins and names now use the /join and /names commands
to allow scripts to over-ride the default behaviour.
89.Added $send()/$get() .resume property returns resume position.
90.Added "fast screen update" back to options/display dialog.
91.Fixed /links gpf bug with long server addresses.
92.Added minimize button to dcc chat accept dialog which also has
default focus.
93.Log files now include a "Session ident" at the start of the log,
with the name of the window being logged.
94.Fixed /channel behaviour when used on an open channel window from
which you were kicked.
95.Fixed window positioning bug when Windows Taskbar wsa on the left
side of the desktop.
96.Incoming dcc get files are now flushed to disk every 500k.
97.Fixed remote script popup menus not being merged properly.
98.Added case-sensitive option to Highlight dialog items.
99.Added Message Window double-click item to Mouse dialog.
100.Added $color().dd property, returns double digit format.
101.Fixed fserve cd/get bug.
102.Fixed $base() not handling fractions properly.
103.Fixed "Save As" bug in Script editor dialog when over-writing an
existing file.
104.Firewall can now be enabled separately for server and dcc
105.Added signalling commands and events which allow you to trigger
signal events in scripts:
/signal -n <name> [parameters]
By default the signal is triggered after all current scripts
have finished executing. You can use -n to make the script
trigger immediately.
on *:signal:name:echo Received signal: $signal Parameters: $1-
The name can contain wildcards.
The script that called /signal is triggered first, and then
all other scripts are triggered.
106.Fixed dcc send/get/chat beeping on completion when you had your
Sounds disabled in the Options/Sounds dialog.
107.mIRC now strips out tab characters from filenames.
108.$input() now allows $null for all parameters except prompt.
109.Fixed dcc chat "ignore all" option bug.
110.Fixed bug where on DNS event triggered for DNS requests not made
by the /dns command.
111.Added $dns(N) identifier, used in the on DNS event to list the
address that was resolved and any associated IP addresses.
Properties: nick, addr, ip. $dns(N) without a property returns the
address being resolved. You can use N = 0 to return number of IP
addresses found.
Note: the old identifiers $iaddress, $naddress, and $raddress are
still supported but are no longer listed in the help file.
112.Added $ignore().secs property, returns number of seconds until
ignore is removed if /ignore -uN was used.
113.Can now use $null as third parameter in $dll() identifier.
114.Added /echo -g switch, prevents line from being logged to logfile,
and /echo -r switch which applies the strip settings in the Options,
Messages dialog.
115.Fixed script menus not working when first line of menu definition
was empty.
116.Fixed mIRC not handling multiple numeric 005's correctly.
117.Custom dialog "limit N" option now works in combo editbox.
118.Added /hadd -z switch, decreases hash item once per second until
it reaches zero and then unsets it. Also added commands:
/hinc -smbczuN <name> <item> [data | &binvar]
/hdec -smbczuN <name> <item> [data | &binvar]
Switches are the same as /hadd, except for -c which increases or
decreases the value once per second.
Also added $hget().unset property, returns time remaining before
item is unset.
118.Fixed dcc send/get windows sometimes not showing 100% completion
after a transfer has completed.
119.Changed highlight dialog item "Flash N times" to apply to both
the number of times mIRC flashes and plays the flash sound.
120.DCC chats now display the time the connection was initiated in
the DCC Chat Session line.
121.Changed the way /set -u0 works slightly.
122.Fixed $eval() not handling values containing commas properly.
123.When running under XP, mIRC now uses the XP theme for dialogs,
buttons, etc.
124.Can now change nicknames in options dialog while connected.
125.Added $stripped identifier, returns number of BURK codes that
were stripped from an incoming message, if any.
126.Extended /socklist [-tul] [name], allows you to list open tcp,
udp, or listening sockets, as well as sockets matching the
specified wildcard name.
127.While loops now works properly even if {} enclosing brackets
aren't used.
128.Fixed /queryrn, was allowing you to change the name of any
window not just query windows.
129.The retry options in the connect/options dialog now have their
own dialog.
130.The /clearall command no longer clears custom @windows, only
status, channel, and query windows.
131.Fixed display of $+ string too long error message.
132.The /alias command can now handle LFNs in quotes.
133.Added $cmdline identifier, returns command line passed to mIRC
when it is first run.
134.Auto-join on invite now uses channel's password from channels
folder if it is listed in the folder.
135.The "Logging to" message now shows the full logfile name.
136.Fixed $chan().ial issue, I've added a separate $chan().inwho
property. $chan.ial will still return $inwho for now but will
not do so in future versions of mIRC.
137./filter now allows you to use -l to read from a channel nickname
138.Fixed $timer().reps returning negative value in some situations.
139.Fixed $read and $readini bug.
140./cnick * N now sets the Any mode/No mode switches if no mode
is specified, and *!*@* now matches any nickname.
141.Fixed bug with full exception list not being displayed in
channel central dialog.
142.Popup menus now allow menu headers without a sub-menu.
143.The control dialog lists, ie. ignore, voice, protect, op, are
now stored in a control.ini file, separate from mirc.ini.
144.Fixed servers.ini processing bug, mIRC was unable to read server
entries which didn't specify a port number.
145.Fixed $dll() not correctly handling partial paths in filenames.
146.Fixed $result not being reset to an empty value when /return $null
is used.
147.Added logging dialog "make folder" option to network option.
148.Added retry delay option to Retry connect dialog.
149.It is no longer possible to enter editbox commands that begin
with an $identifier or %variable.
150.Added $submenu($id($1)) identifier, can only be used in popup
menu definitions. It calls $id($1) with $1 = 1, increasing $1
with each call, and adding whatever is return by $id() to the
popup menu. The returned value must be a one line definition
format for a popup menu. The iteration ends when $id() returns
no value.
test {
if ($1 == begin) return -
if ($1 == 1) return Moo:echo Moo
if ($1 == 2) return Cow:echo Cow
if ($1 == end) return -
The "begin" and "end" values are sent to check if the item
should be enclosed in separators.
151.Added "Group by Network" option to Window menu.
152.Added "Save Links" option to Links window popup window.
153./server address now looks for a match for address in servers
list and uses that info for the network, group, etc.
154.$islower()/$isupper() now ignore numbers.
155.Comments in popup menus are now handled correctly.
156.Fixed /showmirc -t and window restore via tray bug.
157.$read() should now correctly handle matchtext with quotes,
also fixed a bug in $read() handling of -s switch.
158.Extended socket commands to allow binding to an ip address:
/socklisten -d [ipaddress] etc.
/sockopen -d [ipaddress] etc.
/sockudp -d [ipaddress] etc.
Also added $sock().bindip and .bindport properties, and
/socklist now shows the bind address and ip.
159.Can now use /halt in the on KEYDOWN event to prevent mIRC
from applying it's own TAB key completion.
160.Added "Queue own messages" option to flood dialog, applies
only to your PRIVMSG and NOTICE messages.
Also added "Show status updates", displays flood queue
status 1) when there is a new item in the queue, 2) every
10 seconds, if the queue status changed, and 3) when the
queue becomes empty.
161.Added [type] parameter to /protect command.
162.Added kludge to handle multiple meanings for numeric 477 on
DALnet servers.
163.mIRC now processes only the first 700 bytes of an incoming
server message, and ignores the remainder up to the next LF
164.Editor dialog now also displays horizontal cursor position.
165.Fixed find text dialog not saving trailing spaces in search
166.Fixed /drawtext width measurement bug.
167.Fixed bitmap file loading bug.
168.Imroved $wrap(), no longer needs to re-calculate if you use
the same parameters as the previous call.
169.Added support for DALnet services numerics 650 and 651.
170.Improved file/dir existence checking routines.
171.mIRC now prevents a chat/query window from being closed if it
receives a message just as you click the close button. You need
to click the close button twice within a few seconds of the last
message to close the window.
172.Fixed $sfile() $sdir() not handling incomplete paths properly.
173.Fixed /splay -c bug.
174.Fixed /window not handling LFNs for icon filename.
175.Changed $sfile() behaviour, it will now only list files of
the type you've specified, if it finds a match for that file
type in the "file types" listbox in the file dialog.
176.Added Multi-Server support. mIRC now allows you to connect to
multiple servers at the same time.
This feature required major internal changes to mIRC code and
forced improvement of code in many areas which has hopefully
resulted in a more stable/robust mIRC.
Added "New server window" checkbox to connect dialog. To open
a new server window without connecting to a server, you can
check the "New Server Window" checkbox and press the OK button.
Added "New Server Window" menu item to options toolbar button
servers popup menu. You can also open a new server window by
holding down the Shift key when you select a server from the
popup menu.
Added multi-server dialog to connect/options dialog.
New commands and identifiers:
$cid - returns server connection id for current script
$wid - returns window id for current script
$status - returns server connection status. Also returns
"closing" during the on disconnect event if the
status window being closed is the cause of the
$activecid, and $lactivecid.
$scid(N)[.command], where N is a $cid value
$scon(N)[.command], where N is the Nth connection
If N = 0, returns total number of open status windows.
You can also specify a property which is a command name
and it will be called using that server connection.
/scid <-rsatM | N> [command], where N is a $cid value
/scon <-rsatM | N> [command], where N is the Nth connection
If you specify a command, the connection id is set only for
that command. The -r switch resets the connection id to the
original id for that script.
The -a and -tM switches can only be used if you specify a
-a - perform the command on all connection ids.
-tM - where M is an or'd value of 1 = server connected,
2 = not connected, 4 = connecting, 8 = not connecting.
The command is only performed if N matches the connect
status of the connection id.
Note: if you use a command that contains $identifiers, and
you want the identifiers to be evaluated in the target
connection, you must pass them as $!identifier to prevent
them from being evaulated first in the current connection.
Also added new properties to $window():
.type - returns window type name
And to $query(), $window(), $chat(), $send(), $get(), $chan(),
and $timer():
.cid - server connection id
.wid - window id
.hwnd - window handle
Added /server -mn switches, where -m creates a new server window
and connects, -n creates new server window without connecting.
Misc. notes:
Windows whose server connection has been closed are placed
at the end of the switchbar list. This includes things like
dcc send/get/chat, and custom windows.
Everything in mIRC now has a unique id number, all windows,
server connections, dcc sends/get/chats, etc.
The tray icon displays the animation for the current active
server connection, same goes for the Connect toolbar button,
and File menu.
Each server connection has it's own /play list, and the play
dialog shows the play list for the current active connection.
URLs list "Send To" menu, and Tray popup menu, show the network
and nickname for each status window.
177.Added /timer -i switch, makes a timer auto-associate with the
currently active server connection.
The -i switch keeps the /timer alive across server windows,
if a server window is closed, the /timer just picks a new one
/timer now shows the associated network name for a timer.
You can use $timer().anysc to check if it has the -i switch
178.on PLAYEND is now triggered at the end of each played file.
179.Extended /ignore, /protect, etc. handling.
Changed display format in Control dialog listbox.
/ignore, /protect, /aop, and /avoice now all by default
include a network name, unless you use the -w switch.
/ignore -l now displays the unignore time.
/ignore -l, when you're not connected to a server, lists all
ignores. When connected, it lists all ignores that apply to
that connection.
Added .network property to $ignore()/$protect/$aop()/$avoice().
Also note that isaop, isavoice, isignore, and isprotect all
apply to the current connection.
180.Added /window switches:
When a @window is created, it is automatically associated
with the current connection. If that connection is closed,
the @window is associated with the next available connection.
You can change this behaviour with /window -ivz:
-i - makes a @window dynamically associate with the currently
active connection. You can use $window().anysc to check
if this setting is active.
-v - closes window when associated status window is closed
The on close event is triggered for the window.
If this switch isn't used and the status window is
closed, the @window is moved to the end of the switchbar,
and is associated with the first available status window.
-z - places window button at end of switchbar
181.The . prefix now makes /debug quiet. Extended /debug to allow
output to a custom @window or filename.
/debug [-cnpt] [N] [on | off | @window | filename]
/debug -c off closes associated @window
/debug -n @moo opens @window minimized
/debug -pt wrap or timestamp text
/debug N @moo use color N for text
$debug returns name of debug file or @window.
/debug now works independently for each server connection,
indents lines if not wrapped, and prefixes each line with
the server address, and <- and ->.
/debug @window now also works with listbox @windows.
182.Active switchbar button now uses bold text and shaded background.
183.Using new path-splitting routines which affect eg. $nopath().
184.Auto-tile/cascade/arrange are no longer triggered when you close
a desktop window.
185.Fixed switchbar/toolbar display glitch when mIRC window is sized
to a very small height.
186.Fixed $findfile() bug when handling wildcards with numbers.
187.$chan is now filled for the on ctcpreply event if it was a channel
ctcp message.
188.Ctcp messages that use an invalid format are now treated as plain
text, and will trigger script events.
189.Added "Control+Tab uses switchbar order" to General dialog.
File size: 1144.5 kb, Total Downloads:
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